PhilMSTQ was instrumental in the inclusion of NQI in the medium term Philippine Development Plan., (PDP), of 2011-2016, which states that
PhilMSTQ was instrumental in the inclusion of NQI in the medium term Philippine Development Plan., (PDP), of 2011-2016, which states that
“The government shall set up a National Quality Infrastructure to integrate and coordinate series of activities involving metrology, standardization, testing, and accreditation and certification. It will provide procedural landscape for products and services of enterprises, particularly SMEs, to meet quality requirements. It will guarantee competitiveness in the national and international markets through quality certification”.
In line with the intent of the PDP andPhilMSTQ’s guiding principles on education, collaboration, and cooperation, we network with various stakeholders,including consumer groups, technical experts, members of the industry,academe, media, law and policymakers, to promote NQI in the Philippines. Fora/technical consultative meetings are conducted to educate the different stakeholderson the basics and importance of NQI and to support industry and SMEs.